Why Does My Air Conditioner Turn Off by Itself?

A high-quality, fully functional air conditioner is crucial to stay comfortable during San Diego’s hot summers. However, AC units may experience issues that cause them to turn off before they finish their cooling cycle, prompting many homeowners to ask, “Why does my air conditioner turn off by itself?” Unfortunately, identifying and resolving these issues before they adversely affect your home’s interior climate isn’t always easy, especially if you don’t know what to look for. 

That’s why Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning put together a few reasons your air conditioner may turn off automatically and how to resolve it expeditiously.

Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning is East San Diego’s top choice for professional HVAC repair, installation, and maintenance services. If you need reliable air conditioning repairmen in East San Diego who can handle even the most complex problems swiftly and without issue, contact Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning.

Short Cycling and How It Impacts Your Air Conditioner

Short cycling occurs when your air conditioning unit turns off before it finishes its cooling cycle. In such instances, the system shuts down before adequately chilling your home, making it hard to maintain a comfortable and stable indoor climate. Short cycling is extremely detrimental and can cause everything from increased energy bills to unnecessary wear and tear.

If you don’t fix short cycling quickly, it will worsen and cause your system to give out. It will also prevent you from staying comfortable inside your home, making it vital to fix it as soon as it arises.

Five Causes of Short Cycling in East San Diego

Short cycling occurs for numerous reasons, leaving many East San Diego homeowners wondering, “Why does my air conditioner turn off by itself?” Below are a few common causes of short cycling in East San Diego, California.

1. A Broken Thermostat

Your thermostat tells your heating and cooling system what temperature to maintain and when to shut off and turn on. However, when thermostats malfunction, they can’t send information to the unit efficiently, causing it to short cycle while preventing it from maintaining your desired indoor temperature. Faulty wiring and other electrical problems can hinder your thermostat’s performance and often leads to a short cycling air conditioner.

Fixing your thermostat will prevent your unit from short cycling while ensuring it meets your cooling demands. Having a functional thermostat is vital for staying comfortable throughout the summer, so always contact a professional repair service as soon as you suspect an issue.

2. An Improperly Placed Thermostat

Installing a thermostat in an improper place can also adversely affect its performance and cause it to short cycle. Installing it in a shady area, far away from windows, or next to an air vent can lead to incorrect thermostat readings, causing it to send incorrect information to your air conditioner. This can cause your unit to switch on and off unnecessarily or before your home reaches a pleasant temperature. 

If you believe your thermostat is in an improper area, contact a professional technician to assess your home and determine the best place to reinstall it to prevent short cycling and other functional issues. 

3. Low Refrigerant

Refrigerant acts as a cooling agent and removes heat from the air as it passes over your air conditioner’s evaporator coils. However, if your unit runs low on refrigerant, your system can’t generate cool, comfortable air, causing it to shut off prematurely. Low refrigerant levels can cause extensive damage to your air conditioner that negatively impacts its performance, lifespan, and structural integrity. 

Refilling the air conditioner’s refrigerant will restore its performance and prevent short cycling. Since homeowners can’t refill AC refrigerant themselves, they must call a professional technician to recharge the unit and fix any leaks affecting the system.

4. Filthy Air Filters

Air filters catch airborne pollutants before they infiltrate your home, ensuring your home has clean, healthy indoor air at all times. However, air filters can only catch so many contaminants before succumbing to filth, hindering their overall performance.

Dirty air filters can cause the air conditioner’s evaporator coils to freeze, resulting in short cycling. Replacing your system’s air filter every month or so (depending on the unit) will prevent coil freezing while ensuring your home’s indoor air quality remains pristine year-round. 

5. Compressor Issues

Compressors help the unit’s refrigerant absorb and remove heat from air before it reaches your home. They have a robust and resilient seal around them that protects them from damage and debris that could obstruct their operation. However, these seals often deteriorate over time, leaving the compressor prone to numerous issues that cause overheating.

Most air conditioners automatically shut off when their compressors overheat to prevent more severe malfunctions. Once the air conditioner cools down, it turns back on until the compressor overheats again, causing it to short cycle. This drastically increases your monthly energy bills while inflicting immense wear and tear on your unit.

You may have a faulty compressor if you notice a sudden spike in your energy payments. Repairing the compressor will restore your unit’s performance while making your energy payments much more affordable.

Short cycling is a very serious problem that can cause significant damage to your air conditioner. Always contact a professional air conditioning repair company to fix short cycling before it causes your unit to break down completely. Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning offers top-notch air conditioning repair in East San Diego and will fix your system using the best techniques and materials in the industry today.

Contact Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning for Excellent Air Conditioning Repair in East San Diego

The next time you wonder, “Why does my air conditioner turn off by itself?” contact Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning. Our technicians will fix your short cycling issue so your unit operates optimally throughout the summer. From air conditioner repair to AC installation service, Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning has you covered.

Contact Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning at (619) 949-2286 today!