diy ac repair

These days, do-it-yourself (DIY) videos are all over the internet. You’ll find various hosts showing viewers how to do home renovations, vehicle repairs, landscaping work, and other work trained professionals usually handle. More and more people are looking for DIY solutions to save money and get fast results.

However, some jobs need a professional touch. Even with guided video training, the DIY approach can become counter-productive and unsafe.

Air conditioning repair is one of the things that amateurs should not attempt. The risks far outweigh the rewards, making that gamble unnecessary. Today, we’ll talk about the perils of DIY AC repair and why hiring a licensed professional is the best way to go. 

For the most reliable and efficient air conditioner repairs in Lakeside, CA, call Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning.

1. You Need the Right Tools and Training to Repair an AC System Safely

HVAC systems have a lot of components, wires, and intricate parts that can be overwhelming. Without the right training, many people find themselves lost and confused. This mindset can lead to making more problems rather than fixing the existing ones.

If you use a DIY video as a guide, the video host is likely working on a different model of HVAC system than you. This situation will only complicate things further.

To repair air conditioners, professionals use specialized tools and equipment to do the job with precision. Besides training and experience, HVAC technicians also have ready access to the parts and equipment required for repairs.

Attempting to fix your AC system independently means spending money on tools and parts. You will also have to take time out of your schedule. By hiring a professional HVAC technician, you can save considerable time and money.

2. You May Cause Worse Damage to Your AC System

An HVAC system is more complex than you might expect. Without intimate knowledge of its inner workings, it’s easy to mistake one part for another or misdiagnose a problem.

Repairing something incorrectly or “fixing” something that was never broken in your air conditioner can exacerbate the situation. Even if you think you’re being diligent, you may be inadvertently damaging your AC unit past the point of repair.

Suppose the components in your AC system don’t work exactly like the ones in the DIY video you’re using as a guide. In that case, every step you think you’re taking toward repair may be making things worse.

Even if you manage to find the faulty component, you may not know whether to replace it or repair it. It could also, unbeknownst to you, hint at more severe issues on the horizon for your HVAC system.

Rather than relying on a crash course in AC repairs, hire a licensed, trained, and experienced HVAC contractor. This professional can properly diagnose and fix issues with your air conditioner.

3. Attempting to Fix Your AC Alone May Void Your Warranty

If a licensed HVAC technician installed your air conditioner, it should have come with a warranty. As long as the warranty covers the component causing your AC to malfunction, you can have it repaired at little to no cost. These warranties usually cover the majority of the parts in the AC unit.

However, if you attempt a DIY AC repair, most HVAC service companies will no longer honor the warranty. Instead of enjoying free or low-cost repairs in the future, you may end up paying up to hundreds of dollars in repairs.

4. DIY AC Repair Can Result in Serious Injuries

Aside from the potential damage to your AC system, the risk of personal injury while attempting air conditioning repairs is higher than you might imagine. There are several ways someone without proper training or experience can get hurt while trying to fix an AC system, such as:

The Risk of Electrocution

Your air conditioner uses a lot of electricity. For that reason, there are warning stickers on it, intended to prevent you from endangering yourself.

Before an HVAC professional begins to repair an AC system, they head to the electrical panel and shut down the connecting circuit breaker. Amateurs often forget to shut off the power to the air conditioner. Alternatively, they shut off the wrong circuit breakers.

If you don’t disconnect the AC unit from the electrical source, you risk high-voltage electric shock. You may also notice voltage fluctuations (lights dimming or flickering) or a rubber-burning smell while your air conditioner is running. In that case, there is likely a wiring issue in your AC.

Turn off the system and call an HVAC contractor immediately to prevent a potential electrical fire.

Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals and Gases Resulting in Illness or Death

Your AC unit contains gases and chemicals that can harm your health. Prolonged exposure to Freon and carbon monoxide may result in severe sickness or death.

Freon has almost no odor or taste while carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. As a result, it’s extremely hard to tell that you’re consuming them until you’re already sick.

Tampering with your AC condenser can result in carbon monoxide leaking into your house’s ductwork. This outcome can create long-term health problems for you and your family members.

Have you recently attempted to repair your AC? Are you worried you may have contaminated your home with hazardous gases or chemicals? Call a certified HVAC technician immediately.

Falling or Otherwise Injuring Yourself

When people think about HVAC repair, they usually picture the condenser sitting on the ground outside their home. However, there are HVAC components in your basement, crawlspace, and attic as well. 

Crawling around your crawlspace or in the dark recesses of your basement may result in bumps, scrapes, and bruises. You can easily avoid these injuries by calling a professional. Fumbling with ductwork or ventilation fans in your attic can also result in some embarrassing wounds.

Overheating While You Work

Most homes in California do not have basements. Therefore, their furnaces, air handlers, and other AC components must go in the attic.

On a hot day, your attic can reach temperatures near 120 degrees while you’re trying to repair your HVAC system. This situation puts you at high risk for heatstroke or dehydration.

Rather than paying a hefty hospital bill along with an HVAC repair bill, contact a trained HVAC professional.

5. A Licensed HVAC Technician Gets the Work Done Faster

Qualified HVAC repair technicians have plenty of training and years of experience with multiple AC systems. Having the tools, equipment, and chemicals on hand allows them to do the job faster than amateurs. Additionally, their vast knowledge of HVAC systems helps them diagnose and manage all sorts of problems.

AC technicians don’t just fix the problem that’s keeping the air conditioner from working; they find all the issues that affect your AC’s performance. With their help, you get a system that runs better and lasts longer.

Overall, attempting a DIY AC repair is more trouble than it’s worth. Calling a qualified AC technician is the only way to ensure your air conditioner is working at top efficiency.

Call Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning Today!

For fast, dependable HVAC services in Southern California, Maximum Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning is the team you can trust. Our five-star online rating is due to ten years of dedicated, honest service to our customers.

Click the link to learn about refrigerant leak repair in El Cajon, CA. Instead of performing DIY AC repair, get our team’s expert help at (619) 403-2823.

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